What is customs brokerage?
Customs brokers are companies that are licensed by the customs director to carry out customs brokerage.
On behalf of their clients, they handle import and export declarations (checking compliance with various regulations and confirming H. S. Code, etc.), customs and import consumption tax filings, and payment for imports, customs valuation, and import tax exemption applications, and the like.
All of these operations are conducted in compliance with the Customs Business Act, Customs Act, and other related laws and regulations.

AEO(Authorized Economic Operator)
This designation is given to importers, exporters, customs brokers, bonded forwarders, bonded warehouse operators, and manufacturers in good standing that meet customs house certification requirements, and whose credibility has been investigated and deemed sufficient.
(These companies must have security management and legal/regulatory compliance systems.)

Prior safety
All of our importers, exporters, customs brokers, and bonded regions have received AEO certification, ensuring prior safety.

Improved customs reliability
We coordinate with the World Customs Organization (WCO), striving to improve our customs reliability both in Japan and abroad.

Compliance system
We have created and maintain our thorough compliance system.
Your business delivered.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Help us help you prepare accurate information to expedite customs clearance. We appreciate your cooperation!